Dr. Star Brown


Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership. Appalachian State University; Boone, NC. 2017.

Educational Specialist, Higher Education Administration. Appalachian State University; Boone, NC. 2001.

Master of Science, Accounting. Appalachian State University; Boone, NC. 1997.

Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Accounting. Appalachian State University; Boone, NC. 1996.


Research Areas

Higher education leadership with a focus on community colleges, Regional institutional accreditation, Women in higher education leadership, Qualitative methodologies , First-generation college students, Socio-cultural issues in higher education with an emphasis on the promotion of social justice, Post-structuralism, Critical theories, Feminist pedagogies


Selected Publications

Brown, S., McKesson, L., Robinson, J. & Jackson, A. (2020). Possibles and post qualitative inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry. Accessible at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1077800420922266

Dissertation: Doing, undoing, and redoing collegiate athletics: Conceptual tales of marginality and mattering. Accessible at: https://libres.uncg.edu/ir/listing.aspx?styp=ti&id=21701


Academic Field

Educational Leadership


Professional Organizations

The Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED)


Awards and Honors

Alice P. Naylor Outstanding Dissertation Award. Appalachian State University. April 2018. Link to article from Appalachian Today: https://today.appstate.edu/2018/05/18/naylor

Cratis D. Williams Graduate Honor Society. Appalachian State University. May 2017.

Excellence in Teaching Award. Western Piedmont Community College. May 2013.



Star (she/her/hers) has more than 25 years of experience in the community college system as an instructor, administrator, student advisor, and faculty mentor. Additionally, during her tenure with the community college system, she directed multiple institutional regional accreditation efforts including the decennial review process and substantive change submissions. As a four-time alumna of AppState, including graduation from Appalachian’s doctoral program, she considers moving into this role as a true homecoming and full circle moment. Since graduation, Star obtained graduate affiliate faculty status and has served on dissertation committees, as both member and chair. Star’s work with the doctoral program will focus on supporting students in the dissertation phase of the program including guidance for academic writing, dissertation development, and sustaining progress through the completion of the dissertation journey.

Title: Dissertation Coach
Department: Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership

Email address: Email me