Alumni Spotlight: Interview with Dr. Alex McAllister


Dr. Alex McAllister is a 2021 graduate of the Doctoral Program. His dissertation is entitled: “Space Invasion in the Academic Library: A Poststructural Analysis using Discourse, Power/Knowledge, and Biopower.” Dr. McAllister also recently began working as a Professor of Library Science here at Appalachian State. 

How have your doctorate studies/dissertation been valuable to you since graduation?

“I have relied heavily on the knowledge learned from my doctoral studies, particularly thinking through problems critically and working towards solutions. The doctoral degree opened up new doors for me that allowed for both professional growth and a rewarding career path.”

How would you define leadership and how would you describe your leadership style?

“I believe leadership is having the ability to work with others towards common goals and being unafraid to share your opinion, especially when you are in the minority. Leadership is needed most from those individuals who do not necessarily occupy an administrative role, but who serve on the front lines and know their own work and experiences best.”

“I see my leadership style as being a combination of servant and democratic leadership where diverse ideas and shared governance are appreciated. Many of my approaches to leadership are also based on poststructural ideas where it is necessary to think outside of the box.”

What advice would you give to current students?

“Enjoy this wonderful time of uninhibited educational exploration! Make the most of it by pursuing ideas that spark your passions and your work will come together. Ask as many questions as you can and seek out faculty in specialized areas you care about the most. Also, take time to decompress every once in a while!”

Dr. Alex McAllister
Published: Sep 4, 2024 2:30pm
