Student Spotlight: Interview with Bronwyn Harris

Q: What led you to want to earn a doctorate degree?

A: As a general education teacher, I felt unprepared to provide literacy instruction to my students with disabilities, specifically my students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In an effort to seek support, I began a Master of Arts in Reading Education with certification in ASD. During this program, I was lucky enough to take a "teacher as researcher" course from Dr. David Koppenhaver who focuses on literacy for students with disabilities. This course opened my eyes to the positive impact teacher research can have on teachers and their students and through conversations with Dr. Koppenhaver I learned what literacy instruction could look like for all of my students, including those with more significant needs. After completing my master’s degree, I continued to consider the struggle I experienced as a new teacher in trying to teach all students and continued questioning how successful inclusion teachers did it. How did they know what to do? What knowledge did they possess? What were their beliefs about students with disabilities? How did these beliefs and knowledge work to inform their instruction? These questions led me to begin my doctoral program in Educational Leadership with a concentration in literacies and exceptionalities where my early curiosities and questions eventually became the focus of my dissertation.


Q: What phase of the program are you in?

A: Dissertation.


Q: What are your current research interests/projects/grants?

A: My research agenda is interdisciplinary in nature and focuses on (1) literacy instruction for students with disabilities, and (2) inclusive, literacy instruction in general education classrooms. I am currently co-authoring a manuscript with Dr. David Koppenhaver and other faculty on what makes classroom practices truly inclusive. My dissertation, Influences on Teachers’ Decisions about Reading Comprehension Instruction for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, examines teacher decision-making in general education classrooms and will contribute to the development of new understanding of the complexities of teaching in inclusive classrooms.


Q: What is your current job title and location?

A: University Supervisor at Appalachian State University 


Q: What is your favorite thing about Appalachian State University?

A: The people I have met along the way and their influence on how I think. Doctoral course work is probably the first time I have been expected to truly think for myself, share my thoughts and ideas, and know those ideas are valued. The colleagues and friends I have gained throughout my time at Appalachian will leave a permanent mark on my approach to education and life as whole.


Q: What’s your favorite quote?

A: “Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just... start.”― Ijeoma Umebinyuo

Bronwyn Harris
Published: Mar 28, 2023 12:53pm
