Defense Date: October 24, 2022
Dissertation Title: Teacher Preference of Administrator's Transformational or Transactional Leadership Style: A Regression Study
Dissertation Committee: Dr. Chris Cook (Chair), Dr. Cacey Wells, Dr. Mina Min
Dissertation Summary:
This quantitative study determined the relationship between leadership dispositions and behaviors North Carolina teachers and school administrators deemed essential in leadership development and creating a positive school climate. North Carolina teachers and administrators among the chosen eight North Carolina School Districts were surveyed concerning Marzano’s 21 responsibilities of school leaders. The quantitative method featured a cross-sectional survey to investigate how the administration’s transformational or transactional dispositions were preferred and influenced the teacher’s and administrator’s perceptions of school climate.
Quote from Candie Greer about her dissertation journey:
“The quote that I heard in my journey that kept me going was ‘A good dissertation is a completed one!’ It didn't matter what I got done each day, maybe it was to write 3 words, a few sentences or just add a citation as long as I completed something that day. Completing something, no matter how big or how small meant I was closer to completing my degree to become *Dr. Candie Greer.”
Quote from Dr. Chris Cook about his experience as Committee Chair and the significance of this dissertation study:
“It has been enjoyable to work with Candie on her project. She is a dynamic and passionate administrator whose commitment to her school is inspiring. Candie selected a topic she was passionate about, challenged her comfort level with her research design, navigated data collection through a national pandemic, and worked hard to complete her project. Her positive attitude and outlook through the whole experience is commendable. Her project of exploring administrators' leadership styles and dispositions, as well as capturing the specific leadership preferences of teachers provides valuable insight into the field of educational leadership. I know she will continue to explore the leadership dispositions of administrators and look for ways to incorporate teacher preference in her own professional life. It was a joy to be part of her committee.”
*Degree to be conferred on December 16, 2022.