On Friday, December 15th, the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership celebrated the accomplishments of eight doctoral students. Students were recognized at the University commencement exercises at the Holmes Convocation Center. During this culminating moment, each doctoral candidate was hooded on stage by their respective faculty mentor as their dissertation title was shared with the audience of University faculty and staff, graduates, family, and friends.
Pictured above left to right: Dr. Christopher Osmond, Dr. Matt Tedder, Dr. Barbara Howard, Dr. Jasmin Feimster, Dr. Jennifer McGee, Dr. Vachel Miller, Dr. Star Brown, Dr. Adrian Rice, Dr. Woodrow Trathen, Dr. Rebekkah Watkins, Dr. Patrick O’Shea, Dr. Amy Myers, and Dr. Tania Cruse (not pictured - Dr. Casey Kruk)
Fall 2023 Graduates
Dr. Katrina Boone
Current Professional Position: Associate Dean, Institutional Effectiveness and Planning, Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, OR
Dissertation Title: A Mixed-Methods Exploration of Community College Administrators’ Assumption About the Basic Computer Skills of Instructors and Students
Committee: Dr. Patrick O’Shea (Chair), Dr. Chauntee Thrill, Dr. Tracie Lewis
Dr. Tania Cruse
Current Professional Position: Fourth grade teacher, Seawell Elementary School, Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools
Dissertation Title: Project-Based Learning: A Case Study Incorporating Project-Based Learning Into a Third Grade Classroom
Dissertation Description: An exploratory case-study focusing on Project-Based Learning (PBL) in a third grade classroom
Committee: Dr. Patrick O’Shea (Chair), Dr. Les Bolt, Dr. Daniel Alston
Student description of the dissertation journey: “The coursework in the doctoral program prepared me for the many challenges involved with writing a dissertation. The experiences that I encountered on my educational journey contributed to my ability to persevere and problem solve with developing my work. My committee members provided substantive comments that encouraged me to think critically about my dissertation. I am proud to say that my experience was with the Appalachian State University Doctoral Program.”
Dr. Jasmin Feimster
Dissertation Title: A Mixed-Methods Study Evaluating the Impact of a Redesigned Biology Course on Students and Faculty
Current Professional Position: Associate Dean, Arts & Sciences, Central Piedmont Community College
Committee: Dr. Jennifer McGee (Chair), Dr. Andrew Koricich, Dr. Vachel Miller
Dr. Casey Kruk (not pictured above)
Current Professional Position: Principal, Canton Middle School, Haywood County Schools
Dissertation Title: Educational Leadership's COVID Shift: How School Leaders Utilized the Standards and Beyond
Brief Dissertation Description: This study investigated the lived experiences of ten site-based school administrators in Western North Carolina. It analyzes how they led their schools through turmoil and how much or how little they were guided by the North Carolina Standards for School Executives.
Committee: Dr. Julie Hasson (Chair), Dr. William Gummerson, Dr. Chris Osmond
Student description of the dissertation journey: “The dissertation process offered me a chance to dig deep into the practices of site-based school leaders and ask questions about what is truly of value to them in their daily professional interactions.”
Dr. Amy Myers and Dr. Rebekkah Watkins (Collaborative Dissertation)
Current Professional Position (Myers): Librarian/ Instructional Technologist/Digital Literacy Coach, Franklin County Schools
Current Professional Position (Watkins): Sixth Grade Teacher, Blue Ridge School, Jackson County Schools
Collaborative Dissertation Title: Voice and Choice: How Supplemental Educational Programs Involving Instructional Technologies, Digital Literacy, and Leadership Opportunities Empower Youth to Advocate for Educational Change
Brief Description of Dissertation Project (Watkins): My dissertation was focused on creating and examining leadership opportunities provided to students in low-income and rural areas and how these leadership opportunities give youth space to advocate for their own educational change.
Committee: Dr. Patrick O’Shea (Chair), Dr. Amy Washburn, Dr. Andrea Burns
Student description of the dissertation journey (Watkins): “I was able to complete my dissertation with a partner/co-author and it was an absolute amazing journey. I think the best part of the journey was getting to design a summer camp from scratch and see the impact that my research had on youth and their own educational journey.”
Dr. Adrian Rice
Current Professional Position: Poet and Senior Lecturer, Appalachian State University
Dissertation Title: Between 'The Planter & The Gael': A Cross-Community Education in Poetry
Brief Description of Dissertation Project: My 4-article dissertation mines the sources and outworking’s of my position as a scholar-poet-professor, one who has steered a dissenting course between the twin pillars of Ulster Protestant Unionism and Irish Catholic Nationalism - between ‘The Planter & The Gael’ - the Scylla and Charybdis of the Troubled sectarian divide in my native Northern Ireland. It focuses on the work of key cross-community poet-mentors - William Drennan, Seamus Heaney, Michael Longley, et al - whose personal lives and works, especially their poems, have been an education for me, both inside and outside the classroom, thereby influencing my own professional and published work.
Committee: Dr. Woody Trathen (Chair), Dr. PJ Nelsen, Dr. Greg McClure, Dr. Patrick Bizzaro
Student description of the dissertation journey: “The journey was a mighty learning experience. I enjoyed learning alongside a supportive cohort, and from the teachings/promptings of committed doctoral professors. I was also very thankful for the constant support of Dr Vachel Miller, and his Team. And I particularly enjoyed working with my Committee members, especially my Committee Chair, Dr Woodrow Trathen, who was an inspiring, inciteful colleague, and a trusted friend and mentor.”
Dr. Matt Tedder
Current Professional Position: Director of Transportation, Stokes County Schools
Dissertation Title: The Perceived Impacts of School Choice on North Carolina Public School Districts
Committee: Dr. Barbara Howard (Chair), Dr. William Gummerson, Dr. Kimberly Money